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Hi, and welcome to Siemens Weightlifting.

This website is for anyone and everyone looking to get strong, physically and mentally.  In Victoria, BC, in Canada, or anywhere the internet reaches, I hope it can be a resource for anyone to reach their strength potential.


This website started out as a portfolio for Coach Rachel's graduation course at the University of Victoria in 2013.  Since then, she has turned her portfolio into a multifaceted website.


The portfolio first became a blog where she poured out her thoughts and feeling on weightlifting.  Some posts were purely scientific, some were less so..  At that point, the blog was called The Red Plate.  Now it has changed to The Next Plate.  There hasn't been a post in a while, but that's mainly because...


The blog became a weightlifting club.  The Siemens Weightlifting website is now a resource for new and seasoned athletes to find information on weightlifting and coaching.


It is also a place for athletes from other sports looking to cross-train.

Or for the general public looking to get strong and fit for life.

Or for the gym, school, or organization looking for a public speaker or seminar on weightlifting, health, mental strength, or entrepreneurship.


This website is here to help you navigate weightlifting in Victoria, BC, and Canada.  If you've got any questions, scroll down and contact Coach Rachel!  That's what she's here for!

Say hi!

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